MODX Digest #1 (February 25 - March 11, 2019)

Fresh news about MODX.

In the release: icons for content types, refactoring of the 3.x branch from Jason, work on new documentation, thanks to the author on and video presentations from all MODX-events hosted in Minsk, Belarus. Enjoy reading!

News and Events

On March 29, a large MODX Meetup will take place in Amsterdam, about 150 participants are expected. There is still time to book a flight and get the opportunity to chat with the most famous members of the community. More details on

MODX Development

Thanks to the well-coordinated work of a small team, which Ivan Bochkarev diligently collected, it was possible to put in order both the repository itself and, in general, to discover and summarize a whole bunch of problems that should be fixed in MODX.

In particular, started a lot of work on permissions in access policies: dividing permissions into groups, correcting descriptions and translations, correcting the logic of individual permissions, and so on.

Thanks to the efforts and help of Evgeny Borisov (aka Agel_Nash), not all but many XSS vulnerabilities in the MODX manager have been fixed.

It was proposed to add to the repository the file, which describes the procedure for notification of found vulnerabilities in MODX. Partly, the lack of a clearly described procedure led to the sad news of the summer of 2018, with massive hacks.

Ivan Bochkarev suggested changing the base font for the code and for the manager. Look at the screenshots by the links, it became much nicer.

Ivan Klimchuk added the ability to specify icons for content types. Now the pdf-document in the tree will be shown with the desired icon. Previously, it was also possible to do so, but through the creation of an extra template. It’s easier now.

Work has begun (and in fact continued) on the transfer of MODX documentation to GitHub simultaneously with the translation into Russian (and other languages). Everything is stored so far in the repository from Mark Hamstra, the site itself is — and here documentation on Russian. Join now!
In addition, Mark has initiated the reorganization of the structure of the documentation itself. You can take part and suggest your ideas at this Google-document.

Vasily Naumkin closed his big pull request with refactoring, but at the same time, Jason Coward (according to his) is working on its version of refactoring and promises to show the results of the work from day to day, which resulted, in particular, in a certain code freeze of the 3.x branch. Peculiar, because we can continue to merge changes that do not relate to changes in models. The coming weeks promise to be interesting.

Interesting notes and articles

[en] The site of the community has an opportunity to express gratitude to the author of the article in monetary form. How it works, you can find in the article — Thanks to the author.

Over the past 5 years, several meetings and one big MODX conference have been organized in Minsk. The event organizer, Ivan Klimchuk, collected all video talks in one place — on YouTube. Have a look, put likes, subscribe! 
[ru] Article on —

[ru] How to speed up the site on the new algorithm Google Page Speed
[ru] Fighting parsers and bots — meet antiBot
[ru] Displaying labels on a map with a description in the balloon and filtering objects
[ru] Setting access policies in MODX Revolution
[ru] An interesting list of MODX recipes and solutions. Perhaps someone will be useful.

[ru] Great video course (14 episodes) on creating a site on MODX from WebDesign Master.
[en] High-quality video tutorials from GEL Studios. On English, and so far they are few.

New and updated add-ons

[ru] mvtUsers: user management with limited accounts
[ru] mvtDocs: convenient storage of documents
Ace 1.8.0 — added the ability to autocomplete PHP functions using Ctrl + Space; a search for matching a string inside the function name is supported, not just from the beginning.
SiteDashClient 1.1.0-pl — backup archiving to reduce space and other fixes.
autoRedirector 1.0.0-rc — appearance fixes.

To be continued…

Thanks for attention! If you notice a mistake — please write to me.

Questions and suggestions write to Telegram.

You can submit a link to a digest through this form.

Do not forget to say thanks to the author and follow him!

P.S. I apologize for the delay in release, forced family circumstances.

P.P.S. This digest translated from the Russian version and here news mostly from Russian-speaking community but I will be appreciated if you send me interesting links for the next episode.
Іван Клімчук
18 марта 2019, 12:11

Комментарии: 2

Антон Тарасов
18 марта 2019, 12:22
Hi Ivan,

Thanks for this digest and your errorts!
Small issue:

SiteDashCpent 1.1.0-pl — backup archiving to reduce space and other fixes.
It seems this link and caption are wrong, here is proper variant: SiteDashClient 1.1.0-pl
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