Иван Бочкарев
С нами с 11 июня 2013; Место в рейтинге пользователей: #855 минут назад
Нет, не согласно. вторая версия была установлена поверх.
Теперь я удалил вторую версию, почистил таблицы в бд согласно инструкции.
Заново устанавли...
msImportExport 2.0 114
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Нашли в чем была проблема, сейчас так-же понадобилось такое решение, буду признателен если поможете.
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On behalf of the Russian-speaking community and on my own behalf, I will say the following, as I see the situation at the moment:
— We do not have a leader (motivator) who will pull the project along. Unfortunately this is the case.
— We do not have a roadmap for development and we know what needs to be done to achieve the next release.
— Low community involvement in the process.
— 5-6 people are actively working on the project, who do not receive any benefit for it. If they paid something for their work. Then the result would be different and involvement.
— At the moment, according to the majority of our community, MODX 3 has nothing new to offer except for the admin, refactoring, installer and admin login page. We are far behind in technology from other systems.
— We do not have a full-fledged REST API.
— A lot of money and hours went into the development of FRED — which did not receive support from the site developers. In our Russian-speaking community on it, only a few did something.
— Sterc refused to develop
My suggestions:
— Change the attitude of the MODX LLC to the project and take everything into your own hands, and not by chance.
— Create a transparent roadmap, which will be divided into sprints and every week — two will show progress on implementation.
— Refine some points: add a composer, bring up to modern PSR standards, remove elements from the base, refuse, make a full-fledged rest api, after which we will not need ExtJS and we can make a normal convenient admin panel on the same VueJS
— It is necessary to attract (hire) developers for writing code, testing.
— Speed up the release process
— To update the work of the modx.org site, where there will be news about the achieved process.
Small steps can achieve a goal than not understanding where we are going.
Training, manuals and all that are good. But the post we are commenting on is not about that.
And of course, many thanks to the guys who are working on the project!
Василий давно не занимается minishop2 — он на данный момент поддерживается сообществом.
Возвращаемые значения
— actions
— class-names
— processors
Просто сравните changelog:
— fabio-donati.ru/core/docs/changelog.txt
— github.com/modxcms/revolution/blob/3.x/core/docs/changelog.txt
и выводим: