Не работает Fenom

Прочитал много инфы в нету по этому поводу и проблему никак неудается решить.
Собственно pdotools_fenom_parser стои ДА, но когда пишу в шалоне {$id} тогда белая страница, если в ресурсе тогда просто невидно этой пременной
15 ноября 2020, 04:02

Комментарии: 13

15 ноября 2020, 09:53

Обычно 99% причина в том, что в коде страницы (шаблон или чанк) присутствует js- скрипт, у которого после открывающей фигурной скобки сразу идет какой-то символ — парсер феном ломается на этом. Чтобы избежать ошибки, необходимо после открывающей фигурной скобки ставить пробел либо обернуть скрипт в тег {ignore}{/ignore}

А если по фен-шую, то нужно выставить системную настройку pdotools_femon_save_on_error в положение «да» и смотреть лог ошибок.
    15 ноября 2020, 14:16
    Незаздает лог ощибок.
    шаблон дефолтнй стоит что с установкой идет — скобок нету никаких
      15 ноября 2020, 16:06
      Я бы сделал так:

      в файл index.php (который в корне сайта) вписал бы в начало (после <?php)

      ini_set('display_errors', 1);
      и смотрел ошибки, которые выдает сервер
        15 ноября 2020, 17:18
        Зделал — так, но ощибок не пишет
          15 ноября 2020, 17:58
          P.S. Сделал пустой шаблон (только [[*content]]), и всеравно {$id} туже как шаб так и ресурс необрабатвает
        Иван Бочкарев
        15 ноября 2020, 20:31
        Обновите свой движок до актуальной версии!
          16 ноября 2020, 13:07
          Обновил движок -без изменений
            Иван Бочкарев
            16 ноября 2020, 13:45
            Магии не бывает. Значит, что-то в вашем окружении не так.
              Олег Щавелев
              16 ноября 2020, 14:00
              А что error log — пишет?
                16 ноября 2020, 14:02
                А где его смотреть?
                Тут \core\cache\default\pdotools несоздает ничего (хотя в настройках вклченно)
                  16 ноября 2020, 14:19
                    Олег Щавелев
                    16 ноября 2020, 14:30
                    Так а в MODX — логах?
                      16 ноября 2020, 15:45
                      [2020-11-16 12:03:13] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace formit to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:03:13] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:03:13] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace importx to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:03:13] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace bannery to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:03:14] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 399) Error caching action map mgr/actions
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:09] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:09] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:09] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:09] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:09] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:12] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:12] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:12] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:12] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:17] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:17] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:31] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:31] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:56] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:56] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:56] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:20:56] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:21:08] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:21:08] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:21:52] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:21:52] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:21:56] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:21:56] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:21:59] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:21:59] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:02] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:02] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:02] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:02] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:33] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:33] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:38] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace formit to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:38] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:38] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace importx to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:38] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace bannery to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:22:39] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/ru/core/resource
                      [2020-11-16 12:24:26] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace formit to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:24:26] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:24:26] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace importx to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:24:26] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace bannery to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:25:00] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace formit to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:25:00] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:25:00] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace importx to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:25:00] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace bannery to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:25:37] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace formit to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:25:37] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:25:37] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace importx to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:25:37] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace bannery to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:27:06] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace formit to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:27:06] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:27:06] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace importx to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:27:06] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace bannery to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:22] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\components\pdotools\model\pdotools\pdotools.class.php : 343) [pdoTools] Could not load snippet "`getTickets`,"
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:43] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 514) Error caching script elements/modplugin/8
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:44] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/en/minishop2/default
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:44] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/ru/minishop2/default
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:44] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 514) Error caching script elements/modplugin/9
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:47] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/en/seopro/default
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:47] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/ru/seopro/default
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:47] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/en/core/default
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:47] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/ru/core/default
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:47] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 399) Error caching action map mgr/actions
                      [2020-11-16 12:37:52] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\components\pdotools\model\pdotools\pdotools.class.php : 343) [pdoTools] Could not load snippet "`getTickets`,"
                      [2020-11-16 12:39:06] (ERROR in modManagerRequest::prepareResponse @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmanagerrequest.class.php : 187) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:39:06] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace formit to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:39:06] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:39:06] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace importx to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:39:06] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace bannery to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:41:27] (ERROR in modManagerRequest::prepareResponse @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmanagerrequest.class.php : 187) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:42:02] (ERROR in modManagerRequest::prepareResponse @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmanagerrequest.class.php : 187) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 12:49:00] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/ru/core/namespace
                      [2020-11-16 12:49:01] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/en/core/setting
                      [2020-11-16 13:00:26] (ERROR @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modcachemanager.class.php : 349) Error caching lexicon topic lexicon/en/pdotools/default
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:51] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace formit to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:52] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace collections to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:52] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace importx to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:52] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\modmenu.class.php : 148) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace bannery to the routing based system.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:54] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:54] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:55] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:55] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:55] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
                      [2020-11-16 13:24:55] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ D:\SERVER2\OSPanel\domains\modx-revo\core\model\modx\rest\modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
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