Jevon Boyce

Jevon Boyce

С нами с 23 ноября 2016; Место в рейтинге пользователей: #1455

How to write your own deliveryHandler for Minishop2


I am from Barbados in the Caribbean and I need/want write a custom deliveryHandler for my minishop. My island is small and we do not have regions but what we have are parishes. My plan to substitute «parishes» with region. I have started by creating a select box named «region» with the parishes.

<select name="region">
    <option value="Saint Lucy">St. Lucy</option>
    <option value="Saint Peter">St. Peter</option>
    <option value="Saint Andrew">St. Andrew</option>
    <option value="Saint James">St. James</option>
    <option value="Saint Joseph">St. Joseph</option>
    <option value="Saint Thomas">St. Thomas</option>
    <option value="Saint Michael">St. Michael</option>
    <option value="Saint George">St. George</option>
    <option value="Saint John">St. John</option>
    <option value="Saint Philip">St. Philip</option>
    <option value="Christ Church">Christ Church</option>
There will be 1 delivery option and 2 pickup locations. Once a user selects a «region» for delivery, then the delivery cost is calculated. Here a table to break it down simplier.

I bought mscDistance but it's in Russian and I dont think that it will work for this case. I want to write a delivery handler which can determine the delivery cost calculated from the pickup location (determined by vendor of the product) to the delivery location(region). Any suggestions, code snippets, etc would be appreciated.
Jevon Boyce
31 декабря 2019, 17:41

How to pay an order after the user placed it


I am developing a shop with minishop and I am having a little issue. When an user places an order and redirected to a payment portal (PayPal,etc) and the payment is declined/failed, how can I set up a «pay later/pay again» button in that user's account for that same order that was placed?

Is this sometime that I can use with Office? Any help will be appreciated.
Jevon Boyce
18 декабря 2019, 12:39

Using a migx tv to filter with msproducts


I am currently developing an e-commerce multi site. I need to filter out products base on its territory. To filter out products, I have created a migx tv named product_prices which has a listbox tv that contain all of the territories where the product maybe available e.g country 1==c1||country 2 ==c2||country 3 ==c3, etc. Also I have 2 date tvs, Deal start date & Deal end date (with date and time options) within this migx, so I can filter out special deal products when a territory has a promotion. I've tried using the code below but nothing happens
Jevon Boyce
03 июня 2019, 23:22

Using pdoPage pagination placeholders


Is it possible to show «Showing 1 to 5 of 15 (3 Pages)», «Showing 6 to 10 of 15 (3 Pages)», «Showing 11 to 15 of 15 (3 Pages)»,...etc with pdoPage? is there a placeholder for firstItem and lastitem? I have been searching online but I cannot find any solution to my question.
Jevon Boyce
26 мая 2019, 01:13