Fabian Christen
С нами с 08 марта 2017; Место в рейтинге пользователей: #127MODX DIGITAL SNOW UP 2021
Prepare for the MODX Digital SnowUp on March 4th and 5th 2021!
Yes, that's right!
In less than a month, the MODX Digital SnowUp begins. It has obviously been a long time since the last MODX Community event, and many have been wondering what has been going on with MODX and Co.
Let this event give us a chance to catch up and reboot!
Save the evening of March 4th and the day of March 5th if you can.
More Info coming soon!
Prepare for the MODX Digital SnowUp on March 4th and 5th 2021!
Yes, that's right!
In less than a month, the MODX Digital SnowUp begins. It has obviously been a long time since the last MODX Community event, and many have been wondering what has been going on with MODX and Co.
Let this event give us a chance to catch up and reboot!
Save the evening of March 4th and the day of March 5th if you can.
More Info coming soon!
Minishop2 and Office: additional fields (gender, building, fullname)
Dear MODX Community,
I some questions about using fields in minishop2 with the Extra «Office».
1. user field «gender»
I added a select field for the gender of a customer. I want to use it for the salutation (Mr. / Ms.).
It works within the Office form chunk (tpl.Office.Profile.form)
2. Gender in a order of minishop2
How can I add the field «gender» (see above) in the address fields in a order? Chunk «tpl.msOrder».
3. Email addresses with errors
Sometimes new customers do write their email address with errors. Is there a way to add a second field for the email address where they have to enter the email address again to verify it?
thank you for your help.
I some questions about using fields in minishop2 with the Extra «Office».
1. user field «gender»
I added a select field for the gender of a customer. I want to use it for the salutation (Mr. / Ms.).
It works within the Office form chunk (tpl.Office.Profile.form)
<!-- gender: {$gender} -->
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-md-2 control-label" for="gender">Anrede</label>
<div class="col-md-2">
<select class="form-control" name="gender" id="gender">
<option value="0">-- Anrede --</option>
<option value="2" {if $gender == "2" }selected{/if}>Frau</option>
<option value="1"{if $gender == "1" }selected{/if}>Herr</option>
<!-- end gender -->
But on registration (in the chunk «tpl.Office.auth.login» it does not save the gender. How do I activate it?2. Gender in a order of minishop2
How can I add the field «gender» (see above) in the address fields in a order? Chunk «tpl.msOrder».
3. Email addresses with errors
Sometimes new customers do write their email address with errors. Is there a way to add a second field for the email address where they have to enter the email address again to verify it?
thank you for your help.
minishop2 - Minimum order amount: possible?
Is there a way to set a minimum order amount in minishop2?
I want that customers must reach a minimum amount before they can send a order.
Thank you for your help.
I want that customers must reach a minimum amount before they can send a order.
Thank you for your help.
Extra Office: Randomly blocked users
Hi all,
I'm using the Extra Office along with minishop2.
Sometimes users are blocked without a reason. There are 0 failed logins.
The error log mentions sometimes entries like that
Any idea why this is happening?
I'm using the Extra Office along with minishop2.
Sometimes users are blocked without a reason. There are 0 failed logins.
The error log mentions sometimes entries like that
(ERROR @ /home/tabakfab/public_html/core/components/office/controllers/auth.class.php : 495) [Office] unable to login user ronald@xxxxyy.ch. Message: You are blocked by an administrator.
But no administrator ever blocked a user.Any idea why this is happening?
Minishop2 - msOrder - Флажок для условий
Hello MODXers
как я могу включить флажок как «обязательный» в Chunk tpl.msOrder?
(How can I add a checkbox into tpl.msOrder and make it required?)
как я могу включить флажок как «обязательный» в Chunk tpl.msOrder?
(How can I add a checkbox into tpl.msOrder and make it required?)
<input id="agb" type="checkbox" name="agb" value="agb" >
Thank you Minishop2: german umlauts (ä, ö, ü)
When saving a new contact/customer german umlauts (ä, ü, ö) are filtered out.
Can I change this?
Is it in the class
Can I change this?
Is it in the class
, function validate($key, $value)
?case 'receiver':
// Transforms string from "nikolaj - coster--Waldau jr." to "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Jr."
$tmp = preg_replace(
array('/[^-a-zа-яёЁ\s\.]/iu', '/\s+/', '/\-+/', '/\.+/'),
array('', ' ', '-', '.'),
$tmp = preg_split('/\s/', $tmp, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$tmp = array_map(array($this, 'ucfirst'), $tmp);
$value = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', implode(' ', $tmp));
if (empty($value)) {
$value = false;
Thank you for your help. Minishop2 + msOptionsPrice: strange outpt
Hi all!
I use Minishop2 (2.4.12) and msOptionPrice (2.5.8-beta).
How can I fix this?
Best regards
I use Minishop2 (2.4.12) and msOptionPrice (2.5.8-beta).
[[!msCart? &tpl=`pix.msCart`]]
and pix.msCart chunk...
{if $product.options?}
<div class="small">
{$product.options | join : '; '}
product options output is as shown in the image.How can I fix this?
Best regards
Minishop2 - msOption add field style "color" or "tags"
Adding a field to Minishop2 I followed this article:
But I have problems to get it work like the option fields «color» or «tags».
Or something in the map-file
But I have problems to get it work like the option fields «color» or «tags».
xtype: 'minishop2-combo-autocomplete',
wrong?Or something in the map-file
, 'fieldMeta' => array(
'material' => array(
'dbtype' => 'text',
'precision' => '255',
'phptype' => 'string',
'null' => true,
'default' => NULL
Every help is appreciated.Fabian
Extra Office: how to save a extended field?
Hi all,
The documentation here explains how to show a extended field of a user.
But how can I save it the first time a user is filling a form?
does not work.
Do I have to write a plugin that save this extended field?
The documentation here explains how to show a extended field of a user.
But how can I save it the first time a user is filling a form?
and in the form:<input type="text" name="extended[company]" placeholder="" class="form-control" id="extended.company" value=""/>
does not work.
Do I have to write a plugin that save this extended field?
MODX Meetup @ Grünenwald, Switzerland
Date: February, 8th — 11th 2018
Location: Gasthaus Grünenwald, Grünenwald 1, 6390 Engelberg, Switzerland
The Gasthaus Grünenwald is situated outside the mountain village of Engelberg. A quite famous ski ressort in Switzerland. Located centrally, about 30 kilometres from Lucerne.
It was built a 100 years ago an run, since 20 years, by some music addicted guys and gals. A lot of bands come here to rehearse, but now we want to invite MODX addicts for a few days of tech and snow.
Location: Gasthaus Grünenwald, Grünenwald 1, 6390 Engelberg, Switzerland
The Gasthaus Grünenwald is situated outside the mountain village of Engelberg. A quite famous ski ressort in Switzerland. Located centrally, about 30 kilometres from Lucerne.
It was built a 100 years ago an run, since 20 years, by some music addicted guys and gals. A lot of bands come here to rehearse, but now we want to invite MODX addicts for a few days of tech and snow.