minishop2 sorting

Hi guys,

I'm using a minishop2 for one of my projects and I'm trying to make a sorting of the products by date and price (newest and oldest and cheapest and expensive).
I'm using the following code with the gerURLParam extra:

<div class="products-sorting">
            <select name="sortby" id="sortby" onChange="window.location.href=this.value">
            <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&date=desc">Sort by:</option>
            <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&date=desc">Date: new to old</option>
            <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&date=asc">Date: old to new</option>
        [[- <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&price=asc">Price: Low to high</option>
            <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&price=desc">Price: High to low</option>]]
        "price":"[[!getUrlParam? &name=`price`]]",
        "publishedon":"[[!getUrlParam? &name=`date`]]"

and pdoPage:
        &tplPageWrapper=`@INLINE <div class="catalog-pagination"><ul>[[+first]][[+prev]][[+pages]][[+next]][[+last]]</ul></div>`
        &tplPageFirst=`@INLINE <li class="control"><a href="[[+href]]">«</a></li>`
        &tplPageFirstEmpty=`@INLINE <li class="control"><span>«</span></li>`
        &tplPageLast=`@INLINE <li class="control"><a href="[[+href]]">»</a></li>`
        &tplPageLastEmpty=`@INLINE <li class="control"><span>»</span></li>`
        &tplPageNext=`@INLINE <li class="control"><a href="[[+href]]">></a></li>`
        &tplPageNextEmpty=`@INLINE <li class="disabled"><span>></span></li>`
        &tplPagePrev=`@INLINE <li class="control"><a href="[[+href]]"><</a></li>`
        &tplPagePrevEmpty=`@INLINE <li class="disabled"><span><</span></li>`
        "publishedon":"[[!getUrlParam? &name=`date`]]",
        "price":"[[!getUrlParam? &name=`price`]]"}`
But there is almost nothing happens. First of all and most ipomrtant is the products to be shown based on the newest products by default when you open the page/s. After that to select and sort them by price or date from the dropdown option menu. At the moment there is a possibility only to select and show the results based on the date option after the user choose it from the options menu. Am I missing something or doing something wrong? Did somebody know how to make it working?

Thank you in advance!

Деян Димитров
06 ноября 2015, 09:18
2 789

Комментарии: 3

Василий Наумкин
06 ноября 2015, 12:28
You need to use links like

And then specify its values to snippet call
	&sortby=`[[!getUrlParam? &name=`sort`]]`
	&sortdir=`[[!getUrlParam? &name=`dir`]]`

If you are using pdoTools 2.0+, you can use fastField tags:
Documentation on russian.

Also you can buy mSearch2 that has its own filtering and sorting system — see demo.
    Деян Димитров
    06 ноября 2015, 20:05
    OK, thank you!

    It works if I'm using fastField tags — the products are showed by default from newest to oldest.
    But when I'm using
    <select name="sortby" id="sortby" onChange="window.location.href=this.value">
                <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&sort=date&dir=desc">Sort by:</option>
                <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&sort=date&dir=desc">Date: new to old</option>
                <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&sort=date&dir=asc">Date: old to new</option>
                <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&sort=price&dir=asc">Price: low to high</option>
                <option value="[[~[[*id]]]]&sort=price&dir=desc">Price: high to low</option>
    the price sorting is working ok and the products are sorted correctly. When I choose some of the date options — newest to oldest or vice versa there is nothing showed, no products — just a white empty screen and the following log:
    Could not process query, error #1054: Unknown column 'date' in 'order clause'
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