Подсчет суммы по отдельному товару

Доброго времени суток!

Подскажите пожалуйста, как осуществить подсчет суммы по отдельному товару, вот примерно так: http://prntscr.com/6qpuf4 — это в таблице заказанных товаров в корзине
Дмитрий Суворов
07 апреля 2015, 13:57

Комментарии: 4

08 апреля 2015, 00:47
делал скриптом цену умножал на количество
<div class="cell text-center count-table">
            <div class="number">
                <input id="count_item_[[+id]]" type="text" name="count" value="0">
            <div id="price_item_[[+id]]" style="display:none">[[+price_count]]</div>
            <div id="weight_item_[[+id]]" style="display:none">[[+weight]]</div>
            <div>Вес: <span id="total_weight_[[+id]]">0</span> т.</div>
            <div>Сумма: <span id="total_price_[[+id]]">0</span> руб.</div>
сам скрипт

сам скрипт

	// set the defaults
	var defaults = {
		// regular expression used to detect numbers, if you want to force the field to contain
		// numbers, you can add a ^ to the beginning or $ to the end of the regex to force the
		// the regex to match the entire string: /^(-?\$?)(\d+(,\d{3})*(\.\d{1,})?|\.\d{1,})$/g
		// To find European formated numbers, use: /(-?\$?)(\d+(\.\d{3})*(,\d{1,})?|,\d{1,})/g
		reNumbers: /(-?\$?)(\d+(,\d{3})*(\.\d{1,})?|\.\d{1,})/g
		// this function is used in the parseNumber() to cleanse up any found numbers
		// the function is intended to remove extra information found in a number such
		// as extra commas and dollar signs. override this function to strip European values
		, cleanseNumber: function (v){
			// cleanse the number one more time to remove extra data (like commas and dollar signs)
			// For European numbers use: v.replace(/[^0-9,\-]/g, "").replace(/,/g, ".")
			return v.replace(/[^0-9.\-]/g, "");
		// should the Field plug-in be used for getting values of :input elements?
		, useFieldPlugin: (!!$.fn.getValue)
		// a callback function to run when an parsing error occurs
		, onParseError: null
		// a callback function to run once a parsing error has cleared
		, onParseClear: null
	// set default options
	$.Calculation = {
		version: "0.4.09",
		setDefaults: function(options){
			$.extend(defaults, options);

	 * jQuery.fn.parseNumber()
	 * returns Array - detects the DOM element and returns it's value. input
	 *                 elements return the field value, other DOM objects
	 *                 return their text node
	 * NOTE: Breaks the jQuery chain, since it returns a Number.
	 * Examples:
	 * $("input[name^='price']").parseNumber();
	 * > This would return an array of potential number for every match in the selector
	// the parseNumber() method -- break the chain
	$.fn.parseNumber = function(options){
		var aValues = [];
		options = $.extend(options, defaults);
			function (){
					// get a pointer to the current element
					$el = $(this),
					// determine what method to get it's value
					sMethod = ($el.is(":input") ? (defaults.useFieldPlugin ? "getValue" : "val") : "text"),
					// parse the string and get the first number we find
					v = $.trim($el[sMethod]()).match(defaults.reNumbers, "");
				// if the value is null, use 0
				if( v == null ){
					v = 0; // update value
					// if there's a error callback, execute it
					if( jQuery.isFunction(options.onParseError) ) options.onParseError.apply($el, [sMethod]);
					$.data($el[0], "calcParseError", true);
				// otherwise we take the number we found and remove any commas
				} else {
					// clense the number one more time to remove extra data (like commas and dollar signs)
					v = options.cleanseNumber.apply(this, [v[0]]);
					// if there's a clear callback, execute it
					if( $.data($el[0], "calcParseError") && jQuery.isFunction(options.onParseClear) ){
						options.onParseClear.apply($el, [sMethod]);
						// clear the error flag
						$.data($el[0], "calcParseError", false);
				aValues.push(parseFloat(v, 10));

		// return an array of values
		return aValues;

	 * jQuery.fn.calc()
	 * returns Number - performance a calculation and updates the field
	 * Examples:
	 * $("input[name='price']").calc();
	 * > This would return the sum of all the fields named price
	// the calc() method
	$.fn.calc = function(expr, vars, cbFormat, cbDone){
			// create a pointer to the jQuery object
			$this = this
			// the value determine from the expression
			, exprValue = ""
			// track the precision to use
			, precision = 0
			// a pointer to the current jQuery element
			, $el
			// store an altered copy of the vars
			, parsedVars = {}
			// temp variable
			, tmp
			// the current method to use for updating the value
			, sMethod
			// a hash to store the local variables
			, _
			// track whether an error occured in the calculation
			, bIsError = false;

		// look for any jQuery objects and parse the results into numbers			
		for( var k in vars ){
			// replace the keys in the expression
			expr = expr.replace( (new RegExp("(" + k + ")", "g")), "_.$1");
			if( !!vars[k] && !!vars[k].jquery ){
				parsedVars[k] = vars[k].parseNumber();
			} else {
				parsedVars[k] = vars[k];
			function (i, el){
				var p, len;
				// get a pointer to the current element
				$el = $(this);
				// determine what method to get it's value
				sMethod = ($el.is(":input") ? (defaults.useFieldPlugin ? "setValue" : "val") : "text");

				// initialize the hash vars
				_ = {};
				for( var k in parsedVars ){
					if( typeof parsedVars[k] == "number" ){
						_[k] = parsedVars[k];
					} else if( typeof parsedVars[k] == "string" ){
						_[k] = parseFloat(parsedVars[k], 10);
					} else if( !!parsedVars[k] && (parsedVars[k] instanceof Array) ) {
						// if the length of the array is the same as number of objects in the jQuery
						// object we're attaching to, use the matching array value, otherwise use the
						// value from the first array item
						tmp = (parsedVars[k].length == $this.length) ? i : 0;
						_[k] = parsedVars[k][tmp];

					// if we're not a number, make it 0
					if( isNaN(_[k]) ) _[k] = 0;

					// check for decimals and check the precision
					p = _[k].toString().match(/\.\d+$/gi);
					len = (p) ? p[0].length-1 : 0;

					// track the highest level of precision
					if( len > precision ) precision = len; 

				// try the calculation
				try {
					exprValue = eval( expr );
					// fix any the precision errors
					if( precision ) exprValue = Number(exprValue.toFixed(Math.max(precision, 4)));

					// if there's a format callback, call it now
					if( jQuery.isFunction(cbFormat) ){
						// get return value
						var tmp = cbFormat.apply(this, [exprValue]);
						// if we have a returned value (it's null null) use it
						if( !!tmp ) exprValue = tmp;
				// if there's an error, capture the error output
				} catch(e){
					exprValue = e;
					bIsError = true;
				// update the value
		// if there's a format callback, call it now
		if( jQuery.isFunction(cbDone) ) cbDone.apply(this, [this]);

		return this;

	 * Define all the core aggregate functions. All of the following methods
	 * have the same functionality, but they perform different aggregate 
	 * functions.
	 * If this methods are called without any arguments, they will simple
	 * perform the specified aggregate function and return the value. This
	 * will break the jQuery chain. 
	 * However, if you invoke the method with any arguments then a jQuery
	 * object is returned, which leaves the chain intact.
	 * jQuery.fn.sum()
	 * returns Number - the sum of all fields
	 * jQuery.fn.avg()
	 * returns Number - the avg of all fields
	 * jQuery.fn.min()
	 * returns Number - the minimum value in the field
	 * jQuery.fn.max()
	 * returns Number - the maximum value in the field
	 * Examples:
	 * $("input[name='price']").sum();
	 * > This would return the sum of all the fields named price
	 * $("input[name='price1'], input[name='price2'], input[name='price3']").sum();
	 * > This would return the sum of all the fields named price1, price2 or price3
	 * $("input[name^=sum]").sum("keyup", "#totalSum");
	 * > This would update the element with the id "totalSum" with the sum of all the 
	 * > fields whose name started with "sum" anytime the keyup event is triggered on
	 * > those field.
	 * NOTE: The syntax above is valid for any of the aggregate functions
	$.each(["sum", "avg", "min", "max"], function (i, method){
		$.fn[method] = function (bind, selector){
			// if no arguments, then return the result of the aggregate function
			if( arguments.length == 0 )
				return math[method](this.parseNumber());

			// if the selector is an options object, get the options
			var bSelOpt = selector && (selector.constructor == Object) && !(selector instanceof jQuery);

			// configure the options for this method
			var opt = bind && bind.constructor == Object ? bind : {
				  bind: bind || "keyup"
				, selector: (!bSelOpt) ? selector : null
				, oncalc: null
			// if the selector is an options object, extend	the options
			if( bSelOpt ) opt = jQuery.extend(opt, selector);
			// if the selector exists, make sure it's a jQuery object
			if( !!opt.selector ) opt.selector = $(opt.selector);
			var self = this
				, sMethod
				, doCalc = function (){
					// preform the aggregate function
					var value = math[method](self.parseNumber(opt));
					// check to make sure we have a selector				
					if( !!opt.selector ){
						// determine how to set the value for the selector
						sMethod = (opt.selector.is(":input") ? (defaults.useFieldPlugin ? "setValue" : "val") : "text");
						// update the value
					// if there's a callback, run it now
					if( jQuery.isFunction(opt.oncalc) ) opt.oncalc.apply(self, [value, opt]);
			// perform the aggregate function now, to ensure init values are updated
			// bind the doCalc function to run each time a key is pressed
			return self.bind(opt.bind, doCalc);
	 * Mathmatical functions
	var math = {
		// sum an array
		sum: function (a){
			var total = 0, precision = 0;
			// loop through the value and total them
			$.each(a, function (i, v){
				// check for decimals and check the precision
				var p = v.toString().match(/\.\d+$/gi), len = (p) ? p[0].length-1 : 0;
				// track the highest level of precision
				if( len > precision ) precision = len; 
				// we add 0 to the value to ensure we get a numberic value
				total += v;

			// fix any the precision errors
			if( precision ) total = Number(total.toFixed(precision));
			// return the values as a comma-delimited string
			return total;
		// average an array
		avg: function (a){
			// return the values as a comma-delimited string
			return math.sum(a)/a.length;
		// lowest number in array
		min: function (a){
			return Math.min.apply(Math, a);
		// highest number in array
		max: function (a){
			return Math.max.apply(Math, a);


<script type="text/javascript">
	var bIsFirebugReady = (!!window.console && !!window.console.log);
		function (){
			$("input[id^=count_item_]").bind("keyup", recalc);
	function recalc(){
			"count * price",
				count: $("input[id^=count_item_]"),
				price: $("[id^=price_item_]")
			function (s){
				return "" + s.toFixed(0);
			function ($this){
				var sum = $this.sum();
			"count * weight",
				count: $("input[id^=count_item_]"),
				weight: $("[id^=weight_item_]")
			function (s){
				return "" + s.toFixed(2);
			function ($this){
				var sum = $this.sum();
для цены правда использовал отдельный тв, можно и просто price подставить.
Тат считается цена и вес товара

Может не самое правильное решение зато рабочие, показывает данные сразу после смены количества товара
    08 апреля 2015, 00:48
    Автора скрипта к сожалению не помню если найду дам ссылку
      Дмитрий Суворов
      09 апреля 2015, 10:27

      но что-то идет не так у меня. Можно Ваш скайп?
        09 апреля 2015, 10:35
      Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы оставлять комментарии.