Траблы при установке
Привет, попытался установить minishop2, он устанавливается, но в прцессе в консоли есть ошибки. В конце пишет, что всё норм, установилось. В шаблонах вижу только Base Template. Шаблонов minishop нет.
В общем, вот что пишет:
Консоль запущена...
Пробуем установить пакет с подписью: minishop2-2.1.0-pl2
Пакет найден... сейчас идёт подготовка к его установке.
Загрузка рабочего пространства пакета...
Рабочее пространство загружено, сейчас устанавливаем пакет...
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_category_grid_fields )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_category_show_nested_products )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_category_show_comments )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_category_remember_tabs )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_category_id_as_alias )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_category_content_default )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_main_fields )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_extra_fields )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_show_comments )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_template_product_default )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_show_in_tree_default )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_source_default )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_thumbnail_size )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_vertical_tabs )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_remember_tabs )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_product_id_as_alias )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_price_format )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_weight_format )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_price_format_no_zeros )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_weight_format_no_zeros )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_cart_handler_class )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_order_grid_fields )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_order_address_fields )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_order_product_fields )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_order_handler_class )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_order_user_groups )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_date_format )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_email_manager )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_frontend_css )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_frontend_js )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_api_url )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_checkout_url )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_currency )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_user )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_pwd )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_signature )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_success_id )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_cancel_id )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => ms2_payment_paypal_cancel_order )
Skipping vehicle object of class modAction (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [namespace] => minishop2 [controller] => index )
Skipping vehicle object of class modMenu (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [text] => minishop2 )
Skipping vehicle object of class modAction (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [namespace] => minishop2 [controller] => controllers/mgr/orders )
Skipping vehicle object of class modMenu (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [text] => ms2_orders )
Skipping vehicle object of class modAction (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [namespace] => minishop2 [controller] => controllers/mgr/settings )
Skipping vehicle object of class modMenu (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [text] => ms2_settings )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msProducts.row )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msCart.row )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msCart.outer )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msCart.empty )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msMiniCart )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => msProduct.content )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msGallery.row )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msGallery.outer )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msGallery.empty )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msOptions.row )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msOptions.outer )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msEmail.new.user )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msEmail.new.manager )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msEmail.paid.user )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msEmail.paid.manager )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msEmail.sent.user )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msEmail.cancelled.user )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msOrder.outer )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msOrder.payment )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msOrder.delivery )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msOrder.success )
Skipping vehicle object of class modChunk (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [name] => tpl.msGetOrder.row )
Attempting to preserve files at /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/mag/assets/components/minishop2 into archive /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/mag/core/packages/minishop2-2.1.0-pl2/modCategory/57d5655210e6ff4175f62d57d39547b6.0.preserved.zip
Attempting to preserve files at /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/mag/core/components/minishop2 into archive /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/mag/core/packages/minishop2-2.1.0-pl2/modCategory/57d5655210e6ff4175f62d57d39547b6.1.preserved.zip
Успешно установлен пакет minishop2-2.1.0-pl2
Комментарии: 3
1. Покажи пальцем, где ты видишь ошибки? Там даже слова error нет.
2. Скажи пожалуйста, откуда информация, что должны быть шаблоны MS2?
Чанки есть, шаблонов нет и не было.
2. Скажи пожалуйста, откуда информация, что должны быть шаблоны MS2?
Чанки есть, шаблонов нет и не было.
Сорри, я просто твое видео посмотрел, решил, что по умолчанию шаблоны ставятся. Всё, дошло до жирафа :-)
Спасибо за оперативный ответ.
Спасибо за оперативный ответ.
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