Minishop2 clear cart after PayPal checkout

I realise that it is not possible to use [[+payment_link]] with PayPal due to the nature of the checkout process, but as an alternative is it possible to instead only clear the cart after PayPal checkout has been completed and the user returns to the site?

Daniel Gibson
26 августа 2013, 16:30
1 666

Комментарии: 5

Василий Наумкин
26 августа 2013, 20:35
I do not understand what do you ask.

Cart is cleared right after order is created. Then, all the work is with msOrder object, than keep all properties and ordered products.
    Daniel Gibson
    27 августа 2013, 00:15
    Sorry, I will try to explain myself better.

    I'm sure this is possible, but if you could point in the right direction of how to achieve this.

    What I would like to do, is for PayPal orders only (not other payment methods), have the cart not cleared as soon as 'Checkout' is pressed, only have the cart cleared and order created if PayPal checkout is completed (when it returns to Minishop to show the successful order page).

    This will stop not completed PayPal orders going to the manager, and also allow customers to complete their PayPal orders by going to back to the cart again if they change their mind.
      Василий Наумкин
      27 августа 2013, 06:21
      Leaving the cart will not solve the issue, because when user goes to cart — he will make a new order, instead of continuing exists.

      I believe, that we can realize getProductLink method for PayPal and will try to do it.
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