MS2 Reports...

I need to edit the order number that's shown after a sale (currently is something like #1305/1) — How would I go about changing to include the customers initial (to something like JOE-1305/1)?

Also, Is it possible to email the details or summary of the orders (on the orders page)?
Joseph Mureithi
23 мая 2013, 13:58
4 463

Комментарии: 40

Василий Наумкин
23 мая 2013, 18:17
1. You need to create plugin for action msOnBeforeCreateOrder, that will receive msOrder object in $order variable.

2. Yes, see snippet msOrder, it set various placeholders to the email chunk.
    Joseph Mureithi
    23 мая 2013, 18:23
    to clarify — for emailing the orders, I meant like a report — the same way we see a list of orders on the «Orders» page… do I use the same snippet?
      Василий Наумкин
      23 мая 2013, 19:23
      Yes, i i understand you correctly.

      By default you must receive emails with order information right after MS2 installation. And new emails, when changing order status.

    Joseph Mureithi
    23 мая 2013, 20:54
    Yes, that is correct, and the customer is receiving those emails properly.
    I'm referring to a summary or a report that contains a list of all the orders for a particular time — eg for the past month. Is it possible to email such a report to the admin, or to a given email address?
      Василий Наумкин
      23 мая 2013, 21:06
      No. I do not make this. But it is not looks complicate — just simple selection from dababase by a snippet with a cron.

      P.S. Joseph, try to answer to the comments — i will receive email notofocation about you reply. Press link "ответить" under needed comment.
        Joseph Mureithi
        26 мая 2013, 22:26
        Hi Valily.

        Thank you so much for your patience… I'm sure you can tell, I'm quite new at the development side of ModX, and your support has been a great help.

        One last query: I need to add some fields to the email, and tried adding the following, but only got the labels — what do I need to add to it — or am I using the wrong names?
        <p>Name: <b>[[+name]]</b> 
        Email Address: <b>[[+email]]</b> 
        Phone: <b>[[+phone]]</b> 
        Alternate Phone: <b>[[+phone1]]</b> 
        ID: <b>[[+id]]</b> </p>
        <p>[[+room]], [[+building]], [[+street]] 
        Thank you
          Joseph Mureithi
          26 мая 2013, 22:28
          PS — I think the translation has added a few spaces in the tags — here is the code again:

          Name: [[+name]]
          Email Address: [[+email]]
          Phone: [[+phone]]
          Alternate Phone: [[+phone1]]
          ID: [[+id]]
          [[+room]], [[+building]], [[+street]]

          Thank you
            Joseph Mureithi
            26 мая 2013, 23:44
            Also, where can I change the recipient of these emails? The client has requested that the emails should first be sent to his admin address, where he'll use the information to created a proper invoice and send that to the buyer. I know it's a long and strange process, but the client insists…
            So, where can I modify this?

            Thank you
              Василий Наумкин
              27 мая 2013, 05:59
              Email will be sent to the buyer email.

              If you want to change this — you need to overload function changeOrderStatus() in your order class. See annoucement of MS 2.0.1.
                Joseph Mureithi
                27 мая 2013, 15:34

                I've managed to update the placeholders below — thanks for the guidance.

                I'm having a problem changing the recipient email address — where do I make the changes? or, rather, where do I find the function changeOrderStatus()? (I've got MS 2.0.1 on my local machine)

                I know these questions are pretty basic, but I'm learning from it, and really do appreciate the help.
                  Василий Наумкин
                  27 мая 2013, 16:09
                  I can`t explain it on english, it is too complicate.

                  But i have a idea. You can disable email notification to buyer on status «new» and notice about it will receive only site manager.

                  Then he check all what he need and switch status to «Verified» — and on save of order will be sent email to buyer.

                  On each status you can set separate chunks for admin and manager.
                  I think — this a decision.
                    Joseph Mureithi
                    27 мая 2013, 16:23
                    HAHA! Thank you — perfect — I don't know how I missed that!

                    If you were here i would kiss share a bottle of vodka with you!

                    Thank you, sir.
          Василий Наумкин
          27 мая 2013, 06:12
          There is a lot of placeholders, so we need to use prefixes:
          [[+user.*]] - modUserProfile fileds. For example [[+user.fullname]]
          [[+address.*]] - msOrderAddress fields, filled when order. For example, [[]]
          [[+delivery.*]] - msDelivery fields. For example, [[]]
          [[+payment.*]] - msPayment fields. For example [[]]
          And of course, msOrder placeholders, without prefix: [[+id]], [[+num]], [[+weight]],
          [[+cart_count]] and so on.

          You can see all fields of objects in scheme of component. Here is visualizer.
            Joseph Mureithi
            27 мая 2013, 20:53
            HI again — one last query. I've got ll the placeholders working properly:
            <p>Name: <b>[[+address.receiver]]</b> 
            Email Address: <b>[[]]</b> 
            Phone: <b>[[]]</b> 
            ID: <b>[[+address.metro]]</b>
            <p>[[]], [[+address.building]], [[+address.street]] 
            Except comment. I've tried +order.comment and address.comment — but nothing comes through…

            the field I'm trying to capture is
            <input type="hidden" id="comment" placeholder="No Sales Agent" class="span2" name="comment" value="[[+comment]]" />
            I've really tried solving it by myself but I can't find what i'm missing…
              Василий Наумкин
              27 мая 2013, 21:30
              Right placeholders is [[+address.comment]] but in yoour case, i think, it is empty.

              Why it field is hidden? If you are hiding it from user and want to write a default parameter, you need to do change it:
              <input type="hidden" id="comment" name="comment" value="No Sales Agent" />

              By the way, you must see this comment in manager, when viewing the order. It will be at the bottom of address tab.
                Joseph Mureithi
                27 мая 2013, 22:20
                I had tried a select field with the name «comment» but that wasn't working either, so I tried this method — the hidden field gets populated when users make a selection.

                In manager, I don't get any comment either… All the other address fields are populating…
                  Joseph Mureithi
                  28 мая 2013, 12:41
                  Is there any way to get the comment to populate? The client really needs this field for commissions — It's not coming through the manager's view either. Or is there another way to store the agent's name?

                    Joseph Mureithi
                    28 мая 2013, 15:51
                    Ok — I can confirm that the values are not being saved in the database — same for country.
                    So, in the database, Country and Comment are «Null»
                    Any ideas?
                      Василий Наумкин
                      28 мая 2013, 16:16
                      Look at — everything is okay with comment.
                      I think it is because form not submitting trough ajax, but fields saving when changed.

                      Try to add needed fields manually by plugin on event msOnSubmitOrder:
                      switch($modx->event->name) {
                      	case 'msOnSubmitOrder':
                      		$order->add('comment', 'bla-bla-bla');
                        Joseph Mureithi
                        28 мая 2013, 16:29
                        I only see msOnBeforeSubmitOrder — is this the one you mean?
                        Василий Наумкин
                        28 мая 2013, 16:39
                        No, i mean msOnSubmitOrder — it exists in version 2.0.1-beta from our repository.
                        Joseph Mureithi
                        28 мая 2013, 17:58
                        HI Vasily. Please don't get tired of seeing my posts…

                        I have tried the code, but I can't get it right.

                        switch($modx->event->name) {
                        	case 'msOnSubmitOrder':
                        		$order->add('comment', '+address.comment');
                        This obviously gives me the literal words "+address.comment" in my email. how do I reference a particular field's value? that's all I need then I can close this project…

                        Thanks for your patience
                        Василий Наумкин
                        28 мая 2013, 18:01
                        You need to set in this plugin needed string. Not from frontend form, but in plugin.

                        Here you can check any user data, session, cart, any what you need and save it in comment field in order.


                        Forget comment in frontend form, you do not need it if you want to save some technical data.
    Василий Наумкин
    28 мая 2013, 18:03
    Lets go to the root of topic.

    How did you get «No Sales Agent» in the comment field on frontend? You set it by some snippet or what?
      Joseph Mureithi
      28 мая 2013, 18:08
      no — it's a drop-down list of names that a user can select — e.g If he is assisted or referred to the site by one of the clients sales agents. If user found the site by himself, then he can choose «no sales agent».

      Since I couldn't add a custom field and save the data, I've been trying to use Comment.

      I'm sure there is a more elegant method of doing this, but I don't have the skills to do it…
        Василий Наумкин
        28 мая 2013, 18:24
        Oh, okay. Will be better, of you tell me it at the begining.

        You just need to add selected info to order by ajax request. You can use this method in javascript
        miniShop2.Order.add('comment', 'you text here');

        Just try to bind this command on select.
          Joseph Mureithi
          28 мая 2013, 18:27
          ok — so I can do this in the — tpl.msOrder.outer chunk, not the plugin, right?
            Василий Наумкин
            28 мая 2013, 18:31
            Yes, of course.

            Plagin need to modify order on server side after user send it. If user manually adds data — we need to save it in order by ajax request.

            By default MS2 saving all input and textfield automaticle, but i do not think about select =)
          Василий Наумкин
          28 мая 2013, 18:29
          You can make experiment in the browser console
            Joseph Mureithi
            28 мая 2013, 18:31
            don't you want to send me the code you just used for that? :)
              Василий Наумкин
              28 мая 2013, 18:35
              It is console of Google Chrome. Just open it on page with order and write text as in screenshot.

              You will see the magic!
                Joseph Mureithi
                28 мая 2013, 22:17
                I've already got a script to put values from select to textfield

                <script type="text/javascript">
                	$(document).ready(function() {
                	var mytextbox = document.getElementById('comment');
                	var mydropdown = document.getElementById('salesAgent');
                	mydropdown.onchange = function(){
                	     mytextbox.value = this.value;

                This changes the values fine, but I still can't save it (or add it to the email).

                Also tried this:

                <script type="text/javascript">
                	$(document).ready(function() {
                	var mytextbox = document.getElementById('comment');
                	var mydropdown = document.getElementById('salesAgent');
                	mydropdown.onchange = function(){
                	     mytextbox.value = this.value;
                	miniShop2.Order.add('comment', 'doefoot');
                Still no go.

                This may sound strange, but could it possibly be linked to not actually typing anything in the field? Everywhere else where we type, it works, but with the select or javascript filled textfields, it fails… I know it shouldn't matter… but it's the only connection I can find.

                Is there any way you can help?
                  Василий Наумкин
                  28 мая 2013, 23:40
                  You do not need textfield at all.

                  Try this code:
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  	$(document).ready(function() {
                  	var mydropdown = document.getElementById('salesAgent');
                  	mydropdown.onchange = function(){
                  	     miniShop2.Order.add('comment', this.value);
                    Joseph Mureithi
                    29 мая 2013, 00:03
                    Ok — still not coming through in the email — but I looked in the database and it's saving [BLOB — 0B] (before it was just NULL).

                    is there something I need to tweak? Could the comment not be coming in the email because of type?

                      Василий Наумкин
                      29 мая 2013, 00:14
                      Where did you looking — in msOrder table, or in msOrderAddress?
                      Value must be in msOrderAddress.

                      Give me adress of your site, i will look on it.
                        Joseph Mureithi
                        29 мая 2013, 00:16
                        Table was: modx_ms2_order_addresses


                        should I email you the credentials?
                          Василий Наумкин
                          29 мая 2013, 00:33
                          You forgot to disable plugin, that changed comment field.

                          Also, we need to save «No Sales Agent» immediatly after page loads, and then on change of select. So, the final result is:
                          <script type="text/javascript">
                          	$(document).ready(function() {
                          		// save default value
                          		miniShop2.Order.add('comment', 'No Sales Agent');
                          	var mydropdown = document.getElementById('salesAgent');
                          	mydropdown.onchange = function(){
                          	     miniShop2.Order.add('comment', this.value);
                          Joseph Mureithi
                          29 мая 2013, 00:41
                          My friend, I am speechless. I am grateful beyond words, so, please allow me to say simply, thank you, thank you, and thank you again…

                          Ms2 is an awesome product, and your support has been excellent. Thank you.
                          Василий Наумкин
                          29 мая 2013, 00:44
                          You are welcome!
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